Monday, April 20, 2015

Squirrely project

N is for nest. 

And our color of the week is grey.

OK. This might be a stretch of an activity.

We made nests for our grey squirrels. 

We loaded some mini cake pans with yarn and shredded paper. I attempted to draw a squirrel (hmmm?) and made copies so we could color all the squirrels grey.

Even if I wasn't terribly proud, the kids seemed to enjoy this project.

That's what counts.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ohhhh K

What is this going to be? 

Here's another hint:
The final reveal:
These purple pipe cleaner Ks were made possible by lots and lots of glue!

Meanwhile, over by the kitchen sink...
the counter is stained from yesterday's grape juice. Frozen purple cows--totally worth it!

I'll clean the counter soon.

Have a lovely day!